Sales Order Configurator

Sales order configuration for order entry

A note about ALERE's SOC

Even if they say they can do it, compare it to what ALERE offers!

ALEREs SOC is in a class of its own when it comes to both the flexibility and maintainability of the configurations. Traditional SOC systems are usually wholly separate entities from the BOM, which results in significantly more maintenance. On the other hand, with ALERE to BOM and SOC are they’re deeply intertwined saving you a significant amount of time and effort.

Benefits of ALERE's Sales Order Configuration Include

Sales Order Configuration

The configurator reduces order entry time, increases accuracy, and even allows a generic part number to start the process and finished good to be posted under that part number. Finally, ALERE will automatically calculate a price when all options are selected, according to SOC pricing rules.

Modular Choices

Modular choices in ALEREs BOM enable configurable products to have multiple questions with pre-defined acceptable answers. Users can use modular BOMs to ask questions during the order entry process and allow sales personnel to choose from a filtered list of answers.


Modular choices can be nested within each other. Choosing an option can guide the sales rep down a tree asking multiple other sets of questions, and presenting choices based upon their answers. An example would be taking an order for a bicycle, asking if it is men’s or women’s, and then having two sets of color choices depending on the answer.

Variable Answers

Variable answers allow sales reps to ask the “How many?” question when configuring an order. For example, “how many reflectors do you want on that bicycle?” Or enable customers to order a cable of a certain length without having a part number for every length of cable ever sold.

Preconfigure Finished Goods

There may be 100 ways to make something but reality follows the 80/20 rule. Eighty percent of the time only twenty percent of the configurations are ordered. Preconfigure those twenty percent and assign them item numbers. Now you can stock and order them by their item number!

Reduce Part Numbers

Sales Order Configuration allows sales reps to start orders with a generic part number. If the configuration matches a predefined configuration, the correct part number will be entered into the sales order or invoice along with the right price. If the the complete configuration is not defined as a separate part number in inventory, that’s ok too. The generic part can still be manufactured and sold.

Variable Kitting

ALERE enables users to create a kit and leave the quantity for all or some of the components at zero. When the kit is required or sold, sales reps can enter the missing quantities for the items or, alternatively, leave the superfluous items at zero. The order pick list will then only list the components that have quantities. A discrete part number is not required for variable kits.


Sales personnel can be instant experts! Sales order configuration allows your sales team to easily configure complex items ease and avoid creating engineering catastrophes. For fully custom items they can even start the order with a generic part number, and when they are done, the correct part number is entered along with the right price!