Foundational ALERE Concepts
Find out more about the approach ALERE takes to ERP and how it differs from other ERP products.

Having true real-time ERP software offers capabilities that permit a more robust business environment that offers functions a batch system can never match. Real-time never interrupts a day with a period closing because they are automatic. Real-time is transaction-based so that you can see an inventory valuation for any day in any year!

Multiple Document Interface
See multiple sales orders side by side. Without closing a screen, look up information in inventory and purchases. Run MRP to find the available to promise dates. Then, open the InTouch CRM to reference a phone number for a client.
The MDI interface allows users to move among the multiple different documents and order types without switching between multiple windows or closing other working documents. Smooth. Effortless. Efficient.

Document Management
Native document management helps make ALERE more efficient to use and reduces both tedious indexing and file server searches.
ALERE allows users to embed links in any of the thousands of note fields spread throughout the product. ALERE also features a file browser, directly embedded within each referenceable ERP document, enabling users to access, view, and potentially upload related bulk big data such as associated documents, images, conformance sheets, and scanned data without manually browsing through the shared drive.

More than 50% of a person’s time in a business is spent looking for something. ALERE’s browsers can search for anything, including a description. You can even leave the browser open to look at individual items on the list.
Individual users may arrange columns according to their preference then save them for later use as a user preference.
Browsers may also act as ad hoc reporting mechanisms, allowing their filtered outputs to be exported or printed.

Pending Documents
Entering an order, discarding it when it cannot be completed, and then reentering it all over again later is an absolute waste of time. ALERE enables sales and purchase documents to be saved in a pending state so you can return to them later. Importantly, this function does not make material allocations, so no one will accidentally ship, start building, or purchase material for your order until it is accepted.